Tuesday, 23 September 2014



       Hello darling buds. Hope you've been good citizens ( well...not really..hehe) and staying stylish as always. Anyway, lets get started shall we.....HUE......
        HUE- The attribute of a colour by virtue of which it is discernible and which is independent of intensity   or lightness.
       Colours have a way of brightening up our lives in one way or another. Having a bad day.....throw yourself a little personal colour blocking party and you might just cheer right up doll.
        Colour blocking not only makes every aspect of your outfit a statement it also makes it very hard for people not to notice you. Be careful not to turn a fun colour blocking party into a full on disastrous clown party by making sure the colours do nothing but compliment each other.



If your going to be a rainbow, be a FABULOUS one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Till next time, StyleBuds  Over & Out